Thoughts & Musings


April 16, 2021

Noon on a Friday. Your watch seems to be stuck and moving nowhere. The temptation is to buzz your assistant and clear the rest of the day; it’s been one. of. those. weeks… Your focus has long since left the building and made its way to your favorite watering hole — TGIF!

TGIF is the universally known acronym for “Thank God It’s Friday”, used to express the joy one feels in knowing that the work week has officially ended and that they have  days off with which to enjoy, usually kicked off with an adult beverage (or two) of choice. Read more

Holiday Spirit(s)

December 2, 2020

Holiday CocktailOnline, people constantly peruse our log home plans because they possess a little something extra, something special. Every Tuesday on Facebook (Truss Crush Tuesday, of course) they like, love and comment on our photos of our log trusses and timber trusses, again, because of the extra craftsmanship and artistry that our people add. When crafting our luxury log homes, we choose Northern White Cedar as our medium for a reason – it’s the best. That obsession to go over and above, strive for the extra-special, over fulfill, to be our best permeates everything we do in our process. It even overflows into our daily lives outside of White Cedar (is there a life outside of White Cedar?…), even into our holidays. So, when we chose to “brighten our spirits” over the course of this next month, we take it to another level and the “it” is mulled wine. If Bing Crosby’s voice is the sound of season, simmering mulled wine is the scent. Read more

“My Stack Is Bigger Than Yours”

October 23, 2020

firewood stack with faceWe have been in the business of natural wood homes since 1947. Custom log homes, hand-crafted timber frame homes, cottages, cabins, McMansions. From simple, warm and fuzzy Cedar paneled to way-over-the-top, gnarly, organic log. It’s always been about the wood…and the ones that worked that wood. Read more

The Move to Move

July 27, 2020

… A twist on working remotely

The move to remote work, white cedar style

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has seen many employees, across a span of sectors, quickly forced to work from home. From the local TV meteorologist bringing you the weather, favorite coffee mug in hand, live, from a kitchen studio complete with the five year old’s masterpiece on the fridge as a backdrop, to a Zoom meeting with your corporate legal advisor, looking more the part of gardener than attorney. It was improvise/adapt/overcome, across the spectrum. However, as the nasty little bug decided to dig in its heals and delay business-back-to-normalcy, companies and business owners have had time to see the benefits of having flexible workplace policies, even embrace it, increasingly using flexible work options as a way to entice new employees. In one Linkedin survey, it was found that 82% of employees want to work from home at least once a week. Also, 57% want to work from home at least three days a week. Read more

Back to Spring Planting

May 11, 2020

We are officially back out in the world, and, yes, of course, playing by all of the rules, doing what we can to avoid that nasty little buzz-kill of a virus. It seems this little bugger doesn’t much care much about architectural style, scenic building sites or geography. Rustic Colorado mountain log home, Lake Michigan Cottage-style home or contemporary Burt lake getaway, this thing is lurking, but it’s time to start planting those homes that were born during that lengthy timeout from our lives’ routines this thing caused. Improvise, adapt and overcome has always been a guiding creed in how we approach matters and adapting to today’s “new normal” is no exception. Read more

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